Tuesday, July 15, 2014

VCET Art Assessment

Creative Thinking Forum: Tracking Student Development in Kindergarten Through Art
Art is a major component in the Kindergarten Classroom. It allows instructors to monitor student process and creates a forum for dialogue with the student. One of the books I have found instrumental for use in conversations with both students and parents is titled, Yardsticks by Chip Woods. This foundational  book on childhood development presents student growth and development using art and descriptive text, which is applicable to home and school. 

At the beginning of the year each student will receive a manila folder, quartered off into sections (standard assessment approach for our school). Students will have the opportunity to create a self-portrait, write their name, what they know of their letters, numbers, and any words they know how to spell. Teachers use the data in different ways. For me, the folder will be a point of student/teacher discussion and goal setting for each new quarter. 

Assessing Development
At the beginning of the year, students should be able to draw a recognizable human form. Many times it is just a curricular head with lines for appendages. The second quarter is usually marked by the addition of facial features and fingers. A rectangular body is added to the form, next simple clothing and hair. Since of am a proponent of art instruction, I correlate the language of "sticks" and "semi-circles" from penmanship and allow students to draw "sidewalk kids" with chalk, as developmental practice (and FUN!). During our shapes unit, students focus on recognizing the "big picture" shapes that are included in things we see. Both of the lessons support visible progress for student assessment. Toward the end of Kindergarten, students are usually capable of drawing detailed and recognizable figures, adding environment to their drawing and many times include additional people and animals. It is fun to watch students go from loosely formed circles to very detailed, interesting pictures that not only show artistic development but also support their writing!

The Rubric
The rubric included in this assignment will be used for their fine motor skill development and drawing ability only and will be introduced as a kindergarten team document at the beginning of the 2014-15 school year to provide data support for the evaluation of student progress.

Name _________________________________________________________

Draws Person (reduced xerox of quarterly drawing for tracking inserted here)

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter 

3rd Quarter 

4th Quarter 

Folder Assessment 

Additional Observations:
Student is ____________ handed.

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